What is SEO?
In an online world, you must understand that the competition is very high, there is so much competition in every field, from software development to SEO to e-commerce, there is no end to competition.
Because of this competition, you have to work harder and smarter than the other guy to win. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process that can help you win that competition easily. This is because if you are already on top of Google search engine, then you will definitely get the top spot on Google map, Yahoo and Bing searches.
SEO will make your website visible to users on every search engine result. With a good SEO strategy, you can make a better ranking for your websites on Google, Yahoo and Bing search engine. SEO, by definition, is the process of getting your website visible to users on any search engine. When you want to make your website visible to more people in search engines, your best strategy would be to hire an SEO specialist.
A good SEO specialist and SEO service company will do a background research on your website to know what keywords are most likely to convert into clients or sales. SEO is a process where the keywords are mapped out by a specialist in order to make your website more visible to users. The keywords that you choose should be keywords related to your business. If you are selling mobile phones, then you will most likely choose “cell phones” as a keyword because this is the only phrase that people are using to describe your service. As soon as you will choose the keywords, a qualified webmaster will start making a report on keywords that you will most likely use to describe your business.
There are many SEO techniques that can be used by webmasters. The most popular of these methods is known as keyword density. Many business owners do not know that if you use a large number of keywords in a single page, the page will become too long to be read and indexed by the search engines. Keyword density is one of the SEO techniques that is most commonly used to increase the rankings of a web page. The main principle of keyword density is that you should not repeat any keyword in your page more than 3 times. The maximum number of keywords that should be used on a page is 6, 3 times a main keyword and 3 times a secondary keyword.
Source page: https://grehasoft.com/seo/
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