SEO Services Beyond Website Development & Design: How to Get the Most Out of Your SEO Efforts

 When it comes to choosing between WordPress and pure HTML/CSS for your website development and design, it’s important to remember that there is more to SEO than just the platform you choose. Yes, getting the right bots-friendly development & design is essential – but you can also do a lot more beyond that to get the best possible results.

Technical Implementation

For one thing, you must ensure that your website has been properly implemented with technical SEO in mind. You should make sure that all of your pages have H1 tags, use descriptive URLs, include meta descriptions and titles, utilize alt tags for images and much more.

Content Optimization

Content optimization is also essential for SEO purposes. That means making sure everything from page titles and text body to outbound links are written with SEO in mind. It’s important to sprinkle in relevant keywords throughout your content and make sure all of your pages are well-structured and easy to read for both visitors and search engine bots.

User Experience

Finally, there’s user experience (UX). If users can easily navigate around your site find what they need quickly, then Google will reward you for it with higher rankings. That means improving page load speed, utilizing intuitive menus & navigation system, updating regularly & providing valuable content on every page of your website. Follow these tips above ––– no matter what platform you choose ––– and you can be assured of greater success with your SEO efforts!


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